Sunday, March 30, 2008

Registry Adventure

Megan and I made the rounds yesterday to various stores to register for our wedding gifts. I have to say, personally, that asking for all of this stuff makes me feel greedy and covetous. I told this to a friend, M. Scott, who assured me I needn't feel so, and others who have been through this tell me that it's completely normal. The general advice seems to be that we'll need every ounce of help we can get. I'm not one to disagree with experience.

It was fun . . . for the first ten minutes. Then things started getting overwhelming. So much stuff, so much money, so many choices! I have a tendency to over-analyze options, and it took some effort to not spend all day cross-examining every last utensil. By the end we were grabbing about anything that looked good and scanning it without much thought. We left Macy's right before they were about to close. Afterwards we got a huge plate of spaghetti marinara at the Old Spaghetti Factory (their spaghetti noodles are the only thing worth eating there--they're delicious) and watched Stardust at my place (which is a lot of fun).

Today we finished most of it online. It gave us a bit more time to pour over the details. We're about done; we still have some sheets and stuff to find, but we're going to do that in person instead of online. You can click on the registry links here at the blog to go strait to our lists (for your gifting convenience).

Now I'm feeling terrible for complaining about registering for gifts. When our parents got married, all they had "was a chair, and a bed, and that was it! And one fork! And uphill both ways . . . !"

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